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tt82 Apr 7th, 2012 15:25

Use of our street as a short cut.
We have an ongoing problem of motorist using the street we live on as a short cut, despite their being clear signage prohibiting cars from using it, apart from those needing access. We had yet another visit from the Police this morning after another angry confrontation with a motorist we stopped. We have struggled to get the council or the police to actively prevent motorist using it as a short cut.

This is the Google street view from the top of the Way

and from the bottom.

and the overhead view.

Both signs show -


No vehicles
Except for access

The lower sign has since been replaced with a newer sign in better condition. Tbh I don't know wether its classed as a road, path or whatever but it is pretty irrelevant as the signage clearly states car are not allowed. This also only the lower half of Vicarage Way, the top half is still a cobbled street. It doesnt have any restrictions in place but then it has no residancys which are only accessable from it either.

As you can see from this picture, the gardens border the way and when you step off your property you are on it, where everybody else has a pavement outside their front gates we don't. Unless, as some of us have done and we remove all fencing and therefore privacy from passing pedestrians, you can't see when stepping out or leaving your drive in the car. It is only a wonder more accidents havent happened.

The main reason we have an issue is due to the shop on Princess Road at the top end. Residents from Moor Street and the neighbouring roads are too lazy and bone idle to walk or drive around to the shop and so use Vicarage Way as a short cut. Personally I don't want myself or a member of my family to be hurt or killed due to the bone idleness of others.

Any suggestion on how we can get more support from the council?

Marty Dolomite Apr 7th, 2012 15:35

Im understand your conerns but no one is breaking any laws.
'No vehicles except for access' Access to where? it deosn't state this. unless the sign is changed to say 'access for residents of Vicarage way only' or similar you are fighting a losing battle.
If there is real concerns for safety you (the residents, set up a residents group) you can apply to the council to have the road blocked at one end or made one way if this would help but with the councils being short of funds it will take a few injuries for teh council to take any action.

purplebargeken Apr 7th, 2012 17:03

I tend to agree with Justyn. It is annoying and potentially dangerous but unless the council puts bollards at one end then there is little to be done in all reality.

The other option is to 'park' a car thus blocking the road but that has it's own issues. Complaints to the local newspaper initially then council then MP perhaps. Residents group is a good idea and perhaps a 'we'll fund a bit if the council funds a bit' thinking re: bollards? Sadly I don't see much happening otherwise.

zoidberg Apr 7th, 2012 18:01

I've responded to this on 'other' sites you have been moaning about this. It is a CLEAR right of way.As stated 'access' to where ??? Just another case of a NIMBY attitude.After seeing the pics posted I have very little sympathy for any of you who live down that road and are moaning about it !!!
Do I take it that NON OF YOU drive out of either end ??? Or do you ALL travel one way along it ? Goose and Gander spring to mind regarding this. Stop moaning and accept it is STILL a public highway !!!
ps, blocking off the route is an offence as it is a PUBLIC highway !

tt82 Apr 7th, 2012 18:11

It's not a public highway is it though. There is a restriction on vehicles and only access is allowed. Access means for residents to gain access to their property's, if it meant that you can drive through from one side to the other then it makes the whole restriction invalid and pointless in the first place.

If you've seen this on the other site then you will know I posted examples where people have been fined for passing "No vehicle" signs and even the during the visit from my neighbouhood PC, even he said that this has gone on long enough and needs sorting out. He just sympathizes that we are piggy's in the middle with both the Council and Police holding the others responsible for taking action. You will also know that I said he plans to spend some time here and to warn drivers of the offence they are commiting.

How when they authority's deem this to be an offence can you maintain your stance that it isn't?

jor Apr 7th, 2012 19:25

As the council placed the sign it is up to them to enforce it. Will none of your local representatives agree to take up the issue on your behalf? Seems like a good spot for camera enforcement.


tt82 Apr 7th, 2012 19:41

I've only recently got active in trying to engineer a solution but it appears that the council line has in the past, and still is to this day that they wont act unless there has been 3 serious accidents. Even the copper acknowledged that.

Clan Apr 7th, 2012 19:45

just set up a video cam there and show whats going on then present it to the police .I would think it is the same cars going down there day after day . Would it cause anyone bother if they blocked the end off ? present your case to the council too .

tt82 Apr 7th, 2012 19:54

It wouldn't bother me if one end was blocked but there is some - and theres no other words for it - bad drivers living at some of the houses and for them if they enter one side they must exit the other side. They simply can't turn around the car or reverse back out. The neighbour over the road has a C class and there plenty of battle scars on it, she even managed to nearly take out our wall at one point. They definately wouldnt support having one end blocked. I think a collapseable bollard would be the best solution as it would leave both ends accessable.

Marty Dolomite Apr 7th, 2012 20:13

Just out of interest how has the road layout, in 'your' road and surrounding roads changed since you moved there?

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