A meeting has been arranged at the extremely impressive Volvo training and Development Centre in Daventry On Sunday 25 September 2022 starting at 1000hours.
this is in conjunction with with members of VEC2010 Club.
The location of the centre is Prospect Way Daventry NN11 8QN.
This is a free event but is ticketed to manage attendance
The following information is required to make a booking
Name of driver attending
Volvo type and registration number
Mobile contact number
a contact address and email address
Number of people expected to attend in addition to driver.
To book email Stuart Mills
Torquevolvo@yahoo.comor by post Windlehurst Station Road Ditton Priors Shropshire WV16 6SU any other enquiries Bob Isaac page 4 Driver
The event will start at 10am and finish at 4pm (prompt) but I will be there about 9am in case of early arrivals. All drivers will need to check in at the reception desk. I will be there to sort that. There will be a need for a martial or two to get cars parked and direct drivers to the reception so a few others to arrive early would be appreciated. I am not intending to group according to model; just all together. First cars in will be parked close to the entry gate and then work towards the back of the parking area.
The reception door will be the only door open at first but later other doors will be opened.
From outside these are the areas that can be accessed :
The restaurant will have beverages and cakes and various nibbles. I am not arranging a burger van.
The auditorium will have some videos playing and maybe some cars on display.
A number of cars from the Volvo Historic Fleet will be on display. A number of other cars will be available for visitors to have a good nose around in.
In the workshop there will be three identical presentations; 11am, 12midday; 1pm. The presentations will be based on a full electric and hybrid car. Each of those two cars will have the various components alongside them as if the body of the car had been lifted up to expose them. The presentation will identify the components and how they work and will last about 30 minutes. Visitors will be allocated which presentation to attend at check in. This is to limit the numbers in the workshop for each presentation.
entered 15/12/23
Nigel ayling