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colin39 Feb 19th, 2006 20:25


Originally Posted by Philip Robbins
I have just rung my Volvo service agent saying my car was experiencing a lot of the reported ETM problems. They said that they had not heard of any problem the person also asked the service manager who said that they had nod heard of the problem as well. I have pointed them in the direction of the website and they will take a look at it. My car goes in tomorrow for a few days so they can take look at some other things and they will look at this as well. Let's hope!!

my friend has a 2001 v70 that i have been saying has an etm fault for about 3 months and volvo put it on the computer and have been telling us no fault found
for the same lenth of time, after watchdog they say that they can now fix this prob. wow the power of telly:Banane57:

meta_volante Feb 20th, 2006 09:58


Originally Posted by Graeme Catnach
(Plus I've been dying for an excuse to use my moderator's tools!):car-smiley-031:

:D :D :D :D

volvo2 Feb 24th, 2006 10:38

I have been in contact with the Vehicle Safety Branch (VSB) of the Vehicle & Operator Services Agency (VOSA) here in the UK. Following my raising this issue, they met with representatives from Volvo but so far seem unwilling to take action. The communication to me was marked as confidential, so I would feel uncomfortable in posting it here. However, they do seem confused as the basis they give for not taking action is that, I quote, "as an adequate warning is given, there appears no reason to consider an action under the terms of the Code". They seem to be under the impression that a warning light illuminates prior to the failure, which as far as I know is not the case.

If anyone else would like to contact the VSB, the Head of Vehicle Safety
(VOSA) is Mr Jeffrey Sweeting, tel. 0117 9543245 Let me know if you would like his e-mail address (again I would rather not post it).


Philip Robbins Feb 24th, 2006 13:19

Guess what?
Took the car in, garage checked with Volvo and..... they said that my car was not effected by the problem. I asked if the car was sold in January 2003 and that it was built in 2002, can it be one of the cars affected. I was told my car was a 2003 model so it does not have this problem. Can someone clear up this matter? What year exactly does my S60 2.0T have to be made to be affected by this problem, or, as the garage said is it the model year, not production year. I am really confused, all I know is that the last three days it has took me a long time to get the car started and when I do it is so spluttery when driving, you have to keep your foot to the floor just do get it to accelerate without it giving you whiplash from all the jerkiness. :baring_teeth:

When the car is working ok it drives amazing, but sometimes when you accelerate it seems that the power has just vanished and you have to drop it down a gear just to get it to move. It's weird.

I just want my car back to normal. :emoticon_U:

marcellus Feb 25th, 2006 19:34

ETM - Where is it?
Not had a problem with ETM - yet xx. I've looked through posts on the ETM but I can't find anywhere to tell me what this thing look like and where under the bonnet do I find it? Apologies if it's on an existing post but I just can't see it. Also, what has Volvo been using since 2002?


colin39 Mar 2nd, 2006 11:15

where is etm
the etm is the electrinic throttle moduale or throttle bodie this is a fly bye wire unit,give us back cables.

meta_volante Mar 14th, 2006 18:45

the on going saga....
I recieved a phone call from Volvo customer relations 07/03/06, they asked me if I could book my car into a dealers so they could take a look to see if there was any ETM problems affecting my car. I booked my car in with William A Lewis Volvo in Telford for a slot 2pm - 4pm 10/03/06. They fully understood the request I told them came via the customer relations(maybe others had been there before me???) I then phoned back customer relations to let them know the date and time of the appointment,they told me that during the time while my car was at the dealers they would contact the dealers direct to see what the problem was and then contribute towards the work - great! The day came and I looked forward to the short blast down the A41 and M54 to Telford and the Volvo dealers (quick plug - they are an excellent set up and I would recommend them to anyone), I dropped off the car and went for a walk around the town centre - as you do, approx 1hr 30mins later I got the call to come and pick up my car. When I got to the dealers they confirmed that my car does have what they think is an ETM failure just based on how it runs and the symptoms I described, you see when the hooked up the computer there were no fault codes at all to be seen - oh? they could not proceed any further, but I was told they would monitor the car over the next couple of months and I was free to drop it in at any time to check for the codes whenever I was passing. Shortly after I had a call from Volvo customer relations who confirmed what the garage had told me, but they were eager to get it sorted and encouraged me to take it back whever possible for a check up to see if a fault code has been thrown up. Just how and when does this code appear and for how long? I feel that I may never get it sorted now and have that feeling like I have just had my fingers trapped in the cookie jar lid. Any comments welcomed.

volvo2 Mar 21st, 2006 10:04

Apologies if this posting appears a little rude or pushy, however frankly I am astonished at the short term, ‘flash in the pan’ nature of apparent interest in this issue. I realise that many are not affected, however unless those of us who are take more action we will be permanently lumbered with an on-going expensive and potentially dangerous problem. The evidence points to the fact that sooner or later each of us will suffer repeated failure of this defective component. It is pretty clear that we cannot simply sit back and expect that this issue will resolve itself.

I have been attempting to pursue the matter with the Vehicle Safety Branch of the Vehicle & Operator Services Agency (VOSA). They seem interested and are currently awaiting a response from Volvo. However, in a recent e-mail the Head of Vehicle Safety, a Mr Jeffrey Sweeting, commented that he was surprised that following the Watchdog item they had received NO REPORTS concerning this. So am I!

Can I urge all those affected by this problem to contact VOSA immediately.

Contact details are:

Jeffrey Sweeting
Head, Vehicle Safety
tel: 0117 9543245

On the other had, if there really is no interest in attempting to sort this out, I’ll give up and run the risks and suffer the costs along with the rest of you.


Alpha206 Mar 21st, 2006 22:19

As there are 2 threads on this subject I'll lock this one & link to the (longer) one on the S80 forum...

MCSU Mar 23rd, 2006 09:20

VOSA feedback
I wrote to Jeffrey Sweeting Head of Vehicle safety at VOSA. to ask if VOSA or any other government body is looking into this given that the symptoms of unexpected ETM failure might cause serious injury/fatal accidents and received the following reply:

“The Vehicle & Operator Services Agency, under the terms of the Code of Practice on Vehicle Safety Defects, is working with Volvo to ascertain if an action under the terms of the Code is necessary. We expect to finalise our discussions by Mid April.”

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