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Simon Jones Jan 30th, 2017 12:36

There are so many idiotic & dangerous things that I see on a daily basis, but here are just two:

Someone is waiting to pull out of a junction some way ahead of you. There is plenty of space for them to safely pull out & get up to speed without causing you to brake. They sit there until you're practically at the junction & then they decide to pull out at the last minute & make no effort to accelerate to an appropriate speed for the road. You are then forced to brake suddenly, or if safe, pass them on the other side of the road. If you're going to pull out in front of someone, at least put your foot down & try to make a brisk get away. I tend to work on the basis these days that this is gonna happen anyway, so it's rarely a surprise when it does.

The second thing (which frequently happens as a result of the first), is the driver who was in the wrong starts flashing their lights or making interesting hand gestures despite the situation being entirely of their making!

Baxlin Jan 30th, 2017 14:14


Originally Posted by Harvey1512 (Post 2228717)
Do you want it fired into your chest or backside? I like to give a choice :thumbs_up:

Nice one! It'll have to be in the backside, as I'll be in front of you when we reach the roadworks.....

Harvey1512 Jan 30th, 2017 14:41

Only until I put some volts into you. At which point you'll be stuck, or shaking, in the outside lane, kindly blocking the other queue jumpers whilst the civilised people who have already merged continue on their way :cow1:

Grimble Jan 30th, 2017 15:12

I can of worms so large my head will explode if I start.

I'd like one of those signs the cops have that can flash up messages in the rear window at the touch of a button.

As well as some sort of Mad Max ironmongery on my rear bumper.

Proghound Jan 30th, 2017 15:37

I get annoyed when cars in a stream of oncoming traffic continue to tailgate each other past an obstruction on their side of the road when it's your right of way.

I'm not talking about those that were already committed before I arrived, it's my job to give way to them. I mean the ones who have seen me approach/arrive and, according to the signage and/or the Highway Code, should be giving way to me, but don't, carrying on behind those who were already committed. I'm sure @Baxlin will be familiar with the long line of parked cars typically found in Brook Street in Tring, as a case in point.

Not to defend the roadhogs, but with the shoe on the other foot I do know how annoying it is to wait ages for a car with the right of way to come down the line, then just before they clear at your end, another car appears at the far end, over and over again. But the HC says you've just got to accept that and get on with it. (Oh by the way, would those with Xenon/LED headlights PLEASE not flash to say thanks for waiting, it's blinding! A quick dim to sidelights is just as effective).

I'm increasingly finding this sort of thing at various narrow bridges & traffic calming measures with indicated priority, and at isolated parked cars etc. More worryingly, it's not even that they're following another car through, but that they arrived some fraction of a second earlier than I did and think that gives them the right of way. I even had one last night who pulled out a good 2-3 seconds before he reached some parked cars on his side, as I was approaching them in plain view and considerably closer from the other direction. Grrrrrrr!! :angry:

..... and breathe out :)

Baxlin Jan 30th, 2017 15:56


Originally Posted by Harvey1512 (Post 2228828)
Only until I put some volts into you. At which point you'll be stuck, or shaking, in the outside lane, kindly blocking the other queue jumpers whilst the civilised people who have already merged continue on their way :cow1:

Have it your way, Harvey, I'll have it mine, we're never going to agree on this, I just can't see the sense in making hundreds of yards of perfectly usable road sterile, sorry.

luggsey Jan 30th, 2017 16:15

Fog lights left on when in a stream of traffic....

Considered1 Jan 30th, 2017 16:34

Joining a motorway or dual carriageway at c 40mph! even on the downhill slopes.
I was taught to join sliproads at a speed similar to what the vehicles on that road might be doing, so however I try to time it I dont want to be stuck behind the fart doing 40 and the chain of lorries doing 60 with the BMW and Audi both trying to overtake me as I have left a gap in front!

BigMonty Jan 30th, 2017 16:38


Originally Posted by wimorrison (Post 2228579)
There is no 'slow lane' on British motorways.

I disagree, northbound M11 about 10 tonight. I will be in the transit fully loaded.

domhart10 Jan 30th, 2017 16:57

christ this thread is pushing a rage button and I could write an essay on all the things that tick me off.

But the biggest one is the famous British lane hoggers who feel the need to dictate the speed on the roads and refuse to pull over, even if the car they are about to over take in the next half hour is a mile away ... not only on duel carriage ways but also on country roads they feel the need to dictate the speeds that everyone should be doing, I dont mind if they want to creep along, I too love crawling along ... but in the slow lane without holding everyone up! and I couldnt care less, if someone wants to over take me on the country road ... I wont accelerate and I will actually slow down a bit to let others pass me safely.

These famous lane hoggers are also a menace joining motorways as they come of the slipway onto the motorway or duel carriage way with the speed of a snail, causing all lorries and cars already on the road they are joining to swerve or slam on their brakes.

There are a certain group of lane hoggers that are also incredibly thick and dont care about safety on the roads as they drive around with only their front drls in the night thinking that because they can see others everything is fine. Usually these people are in tiny cars.

I defenitly look forward to the day the autonomous driving becomes available to the masses to get rid of these annoyances :thumbs_up:

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