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Agostino Jan 7th, 2007 02:33

Volvo UK & the ETM
Hi folks .
I thought that this should be of interest to all.

After the recent debate on the ETM issue, and the publicity on Watchdog.
I wrote a letter to Volvo UK (here in brief) outlining my concerns with the ETM and informing them that I am aware of the situation with Volvo USA.

A week later I got a telephone call from a very nice lady at Volvo UK, whereby they informed me that and I quote;
"If I go to my local Volvo dealer, they will do a clean install and up-grade of the latest updated software FREE OF CHARGE, and this will solve any fault that existed. However if there are any other faults with the engine etc not related to the ETM, there will be a charge" End quote!

To which I asked if I could have confirmation of this in writing.
The lady readily agreed.
So I am now waiting for this confirmation letter, and armed with that I shall go to my dealer and request that the above be done.

I shall up date you with the results, so watch this space.


wheelnut Jan 7th, 2007 22:06

Thanks for this. I look forward to your feedback. My 2001 2.4 V70 has just started irregular tickover sometimes and slightly dodgy starting.

Anyone any experience of this being dealt with by Bells in Northampton?

CTCNetwork Jan 8th, 2007 02:13



Originally Posted by Nice Lady at Volvo UK
If I go to my local Volvo dealer, they will do a clean install and up-grade of the latest updated software FREE OF CHARGE, and this will solve any fault that existed.

Since when has a quick brush up and new software solved the problem of a physicallly defective component?

However, I would read that letter when you receive it carefully. Volvo UK commiting themselves to such a wide-sweeping statment such as this, and on this particular issue would be amazing in itself..

Des. . . ;)

Agostino Jan 8th, 2007 11:24


Yep your 100% right. That is exactly why I posted this, I want to see if they actually keep to their word and do what they say.

I will keep you updated on events.


arvs31260 Jan 8th, 2007 17:18

The ETM clean and software upgrade has been covered in various threads on the forum. It is as has been identified by many, a quick fix which will merely delay the total failure of the etm.
Beware of Volvo UK and the dealer looking after your vehicle. I think it is an understood fact that many forum members are learning that Volvo say little and do little to avoid mass demand for free replacement.
Pre-Ford Volvo were certainly more entertaining with problems. Now Volvo is controlled by bean counting Americans and we all know what they are like with money not in $$$.
The 5 cylinder engine is a fine piece of kit developed by V.A.G group technicians. The Nippon Denso ignition/fuel injection system is pretty damn decent. Why they had to involve a member of the Fiat group by supplying an etm only the maker upstairs knows.
Tread carefully and remember, softly softly catchy monkey!!!

CTCNetwork Jan 8th, 2007 17:23


Originally Posted by arvs31260 (Post 189610)
The 5 cylinder engine is a fine piece of kit developed by V.A.G group technicians.

I believe that the 5 pot Volvo engine was developed by Volvo with a little help from Porsche on the head..

As for that ETM.. Indeed... Go to a car maker that uses second hand washing machines to make their cars!! :lol: Obviously longlivity was not a consideration!!

Des. . . ;)

Agostino Jan 8th, 2007 17:40

Hi arvs31260.

Your reading my mind, this is what I'm afraid of.

I'm not sure that v.a.g developed the 5 pot engine. As far as I'm aware it was developed by Volvo with help from another source (don't know who.

Anyway I'll let you know what happens.


chrisoftheday Jan 9th, 2007 19:48

ETM and Volvo UK's response

I have already had the clean and software upgrade Free of Charge BUT it has not cleared the problem and the unit needs to be replaced - the car is undrivable (the dealer's words!).

Volvo UK are sticking to their offer of a 20% contribution to the £600-£700 cost of replacing the unit which is in my mind NOT GOOD ENOUGH - especially if a British Judge in the recent successful Court case by Andrew Worthington has already said that the unit is 'not fit for purpose' (it should last for the life of the car).

I am currently awaiting a telephone response from Volvo UK whom I have told the offer is unacceptable. I assume I'll have to call them again and write in the last instance - the car needs the part replaced and everyday that goes by is a cost that I am determined will be paid for by Volvo UK when I finally take them to court on the same basis as the recent case - IF necessary!

imac Jan 9th, 2007 20:05


Originally Posted by CTCNetwork (Post 189613)

I believe that the 5 pot Volvo engine was developed by Volvo with a little help from Porsche on the head..

Volvo, Audi (Volkswagen Audi Group) and Porsche all had varying degrees of involvement with the development of the 5-pot.

chrisoftheday Jan 9th, 2007 20:08

ETM failures and Volvo Uks Rigid Response (continued)
A further thought,

If those of us who have the problem (and others who will develop the problem - Wheelnut - you're about to have it by the sound of things - that's how mine started six months ago - wish I'd known about the problem then!) make a concerted effort to bombard Volvo UK with the promise of Court Action AND make a full representation of the issue to BBC Watchdog at the same time (name the date) then perhaps we will get somewhere. They can stonewall any number of individuals (on an individual basis) but not a crowd on TV or a list of Court Cases that MUST win as the (successful) precedence has already been set.

We need to maintain a consistent approach so if we each take the lead from Group member 'Andy_eclipse' and take them (Volvo UK AND the dealers) to court (using the same successful argument) we can all get Volvo UK to accept their responsibility if not for ALL Volvo drivers then at least to those of us who make the effort to do so.

Please try to track down any other examples of how many times this has happened in the recent past.



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