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stuartvolvo Aug 11th, 2014 12:44

The lack of subjects
Hi all,
I am sorry that I have not managed to get our new disabled section off the ground yet. It took me a while to get this section up on our forum, and then I ended up between hospital and the doctors again several times, and after that was by, I had to disappear for a short holiday to try and relax, and give my body a rest. Now that I arrived back last night, and with another good nights rest, I am now set off, stuck up in my office, going through the mountain of mail, phone calls, and other tasks that I have to do.

I am also going to try and get some stickys on the section, about changing road tax classation, and how to go about changing the vehicle classation on your v5 as well.

If there is anything else that anybody else can think about, please let me know.


Stuart Rintoul

Mike 700 Aug 12th, 2014 14:33

Your 'subjects' may be few and far between My Liege, but we nevertheless await your input with baited breath.

lyron Aug 17th, 2014 10:47

will be watching this section with great interest. as I am a full time carer for my beloved Lynda, it's about time we had somat.the thing I would be interested to know is, when the paper tax disc goes how will that affect the people who. like ourselves are excempt from duty, I would assume that we just continue how we do now, on line.

ps glad your back and feeling better.


Mike 700 Aug 17th, 2014 19:57

What about informative subjects like :-

Motability - Cars & Scooters & Wheelchair Adapted Vehicles.

Mobility Scooters/Wheelchairs etc.

Ricability - Cars & others tests etc.

Parking Permits -Usage , Home & Away?

volvoid Aug 18th, 2014 09:29

Perhaps there is a lack of disabled people ?

In most town centres the only available parking spaces are for disabled badge holders, suggesting there are insufficient of the "less-able" to fill them. I used to think that the government was planning for more to come along, perhaps after a pointless arab war on behalf of america, but this seems to have been forgotten now we are all so much better off with the influx of foreigners putting up our house prices.

anyone think I could get a job writing for the daily mail ?

Mike 700 Aug 18th, 2014 22:24


Originally Posted by lyron (Post 1717133)
will be watching this section with great interest. as I am a full time carer for my beloved Lynda, it's about time we had somat.the thing I would be interested to know is, when the paper tax disc goes how will that affect the people who. like ourselves are excempt from duty, I would assume that we just continue how we do now, on line.

ps glad your back and feeling better.



Originally Posted by volvoid (Post 1717796)
Perhaps there is a lack of disabled people ?

In most town centres the only available parking spaces are for disabled badge holders, suggesting there are insufficient of the "less-able" to fill them. I used to think that the government was planning for more to come along, perhaps after a pointless arab war on behalf of america, but this seems to have been forgotten now we are all so much better off with the influx of foreigners putting up our house prices.

anyone think I could get a job writing for the daily mail ?

We had a bit of a discussion in The Lounge regarding disabled badges I seem to remember, and I get really pee'd off with the increasing numbers of holders, who aren't actually 'disabled ' but are simply old or fat or both.

I see them every day, trotting off to the shops whilst I get my walker or mobility scooter out of the car, and genuine wheelchair users have to chase around looking for a space - not the abuser's fault, it is the lazy doctors and the even lazier local authorities.

It's no wonder fit people get annoyed.

lyron Aug 20th, 2014 11:11

Lynda being a wheelchair user quite a lot of the time now has to witness these people who abuse the system, we would gladly shop anyone we saw using a blue badge they were not entitled to.they should be stamped on hard. also, one other thing that annoys me greatly is,why do these so called disabled people drive there mobility scooters to the shop. park the bloody things in disabled spaces the walk royund the sop carrying loads oif shopping.

grrrrrr. rant over for now.


Mike 700 Aug 20th, 2014 11:54


Originally Posted by lyron (Post 1719454)
Lynda being a wheelchair user quite a lot of the time now has to witness these people who abuse the system, we would gladly shop anyone we saw using a blue badge they were not entitled to.they should be stamped on hard. also, one other thing that annoys me greatly is,why do these so called disabled people drive there mobility scooters to the shop. park the bloody things in disabled spaces the walk royund the sop carrying loads oif shopping.

grrrrrr. rant over for now.


Never actually witnessed the scooter thing, but there are loads of non disabled people using a badge to go shopping themselves, and that's wrong, but 'they just don't care, and if you say anything , they get abusive'.

lyron Aug 21st, 2014 14:25

an unfortunate side effect of plain bad manners mike, sad but true, whatever happened to being polite and helpful to your fellow man(or indeed, woman)


Mike 700 Aug 23rd, 2014 11:22


Originally Posted by lyron (Post 1720157)
an unfortunate side effect of plain bad manners mike, sad but true, whatever happened to being polite and helpful to your fellow man(or indeed, woman)


I have just experienced another dose of bad manners when I was looking for a disabled space at Waitrose, and on the fourth circuit of the car park a disabled space became vacant, but as I headed towards it, a yummy mummy in a 4x4 drives into it. I said excuse me but that space is reserved for blue badge holders , to which she replied ' go forth & multiply' and strutted off to store with a couple of 12 or 13 year olds in tow, laughing their heads off.

The car park attendant came by and asked me what was what, and then put a ticket on the yummy's 4x4.

Last I saw, as I went into the store, was a very angry yummy, mouthing off at an impassive car park attendant as he walked away.

Will she do it again?

Of course she will.


I don't expect special treatment, in fact i am fiercly independent & decline most offers of assistance, but i do need to be able to use a ' disabled' parking space near the stores because I just can't walk more than a few yards really, so where I see this sort of abuse, I put on the 'grumpy old man' mask & try to educate them - usually a waste of breath.

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