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mollusk May 6th, 2012 22:58

The National Rally & BKV - does it really exist ?
Well yes it does, but it's hard to believe it from this forum!
Apart from a few posts nobody's sayin owt.

It's the clubs 50th. for heavens sake, and it's two day event.

Quick run down:-

Thoresby Hall, 16th.& 17th. June,
Superb setting,
Free camping/caravanning, site open 15th.-18th.
Saturday evening Hogroast/band,
So far stands/stalls by,

Suffolk & Essex section,
Nottingham Trent Valley section,
Volvo Enthusiasts Club,
Practical Classics Magazine,
Amazon Cars,
Shark Performance,
Valet co.,
Chris Knott,
Bouncy castle,
+ others still being worked on.

Vehicles on display/for clambering over will include;

XC70 Armed Response Police car
FH12 Tractor Unit and 44' trailer.
LeJog support Amazon
Capetown Rally 140
DriftMoto 300's
+ hopefully a few others being worked on.

Already been a slot on the Richard Spurr Show - radio Nottingham.
and more hoped for.

The "old guard" still gets the traditional BKV competition on the Sunday.

Some people have put a great deal of work into this behind the scenes - and others (like me) have made a right nuisance of themselves so I'm damned if I'll let it go unadvertised!

This should be the best BKV yet - but only if a good crowd turns up for both days so do try to come along.


minesa240x3 May 6th, 2012 23:26

Well if it wasn't for you putting this up nobody would know.And I thought I was an active member?where did you get the info about the different stands?

As usual the forum and club seem to be two different entities,Well they are but it would be nice if the forum was included more in every aspect of the clubs events.
I made myself a very big pain last year as so many people on here didn't even know what BKV stood for.I went posting in nearly every section as not all forum users go to the relavent sections about events.Eventually my posts were kindly made into stickies.I hope this year every section will have a stickie giving details to encourage as many as possible.I also happen to believe that non members should be encouraged to attend in the hope if they enjoy it they will join.I was quite keen to promote the 30th anniversary of the 700 series but gave up as it wasn't worth battling with"THE MANAGEMENT".

Apparently to get something as complicated as 700 series members and non members cars all together takes months of organising.Something about having enough room.

Still no news as to wether non members will be allowed to park with members cars.Not worth travelling any great distance if you end up parking with a load of non volvo cars IMHO.

By the way I'm not anti club on the contrary I try as much as possible to promote this club giving out joining leaflets and attending the AGM's as well as many bkv's.I just get frustrated at the big devide between the club and forum.

Regards Brian.

JamesV70R May 6th, 2012 23:29

I will do my best to make this one, even if it is only for the Sunday (The important day lol!)

Going on the number of stands alone this should be a huge event!

SonyVaio May 6th, 2012 23:49

I think the forum should have a splash screen with details of the event leading upto BKV itself.

I agree information is a little scarce and some proper advertisements along with detailed info of whats is planned would help massively.

This thread is a step in the right direction so well done. It is a half Century Celebration!!


mollusk May 7th, 2012 00:12

About the parking- I'll stick my neck out and say that on the rally field it is planned that there will be an area for cars in the actual competition, and an area for all other Volvos (the areas are on the same field and next to each other).

As only VOC members cars are eligible to be judged they will be lined up separately - but other than that members and non members park together.

Non Volvos get their own park in the next field (separated by an estate road).

How do I know - I'm at present drawing up a site plan - and most of the stands I have arranged - I said I've been making a nuisance of myself!.

I have arranged the presence of V3M (300 series website & forum) where I am a particular nuisance - and we will have examples of rally and drift cars together with AV displays. We also intend to demonstrate common repair techniques and show how we are having to remanufacture parts to keep our cars on the road.

Rob and Emma Henchoz will be there with their Capetown rally 140 as will Practical Classics mag with the LeJog support Amazon.

As I said there is free camping and caravanning for participants - with water and elsan point on site - the rally field will have flush loos. Sat.night entertainment is a band "Revival" and a Hogroast - pre-book tickets with Dave Ovenden to ensure numbers.

I have been expecting the organisers (or somebody) to ensure adequate publicity on the forum (the event has been in "Driver" and is in the calendar) but time is running out - and it obviously aint gonner happen - hence me sticking my nose in again. I care about this club, and I care about the BKV - even if it's a little quaint and I cannot stand by and see things just drift along - not our 50th.!


mrmeringo May 7th, 2012 00:18

STILL trying to renew my membership, and keep getting fobbed off about when it will be sorted, Was last emailed on the 1st June and told it would be 10 days, Not holding my breath though:thumbs_up:

minesa240x3 May 7th, 2012 00:44

Thank you mollusk but until the powers that be say it's going to happen then I won't be promicing anything to anyone.As for show and non show cars being lined up but seperated I pushed very hard for that to happen.The first time I saw it was at popham bkv the southern event.Strange but apparently it had already been thought of by others?
All we need now is for it to be allowed and guaranteed for the non members not just a long neck..hope.

So I just turn up with me caravan and all will be well?

Thank you for taking the trouble to give all this info.I just don't have the energy to rattle the cage like I usually do.

Thank you Brian.

minesa240x3 May 7th, 2012 00:47


Originally Posted by mrmeringo (Post 1157572)
STILL trying to renew my membership, and keep getting fobbed off about when it will be sorted, Was last emailed on the 1st June and told it would be 10 days, Not holding my breath though:thumbs_up:

If you go into the voc section chris wickers has confirmed all will go live on tuesday 8th may.Problems with new membership cards and printing etc.
Regards Brian.

Chris Wickers May 7th, 2012 01:46

Just to confirm I have been advised that membership will be going live on Tuesday.

I am aware there has been a long delay which is extremely unfortunate, and regrettably outside of our control. The business which was taking over the Club's membership was suddenly no longer able to do so, and so we had to act quickly to get things sorted.

Inevitably there was a delay, and one which was somewhat longer than we would have liked.

On a personal basis I see the Club and forum as being one entity, and I am well aware some people are (in a nice way hopefully) sick of my posts and constant requests for articles for the magazine, which will of course promote the forum to VOC members and also vice versa.

Thank you to Mac for his original post about the National and the BKV. The more support the better!

Incidentally also a very big THANKS to Mac for (to quote him) the MASSIVE NUISANCE he has made of himself - without it may things listed would not be happening - WELL DONE MAC - it is really appreciated!



mollusk May 7th, 2012 09:21

Nuisance again - will my idea of non members being able to join at the BKV be happening?

Get em while the're fresh!


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