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IC Oct 30th, 2006 20:46

Swedish Trip in August 2007
Possible trip to Sweden in August 2007

V6 Man and I have been looking at a proposed visit to Sweden in August 2007. I have posted Rupert's thoughts here and made a comment at the bottom as we intend to work together with the support of a number of VOC members who have experience in organising such trips. These members will be mentioned and credited accordingly as the planning of the trip develops. We would greatly appreciate any support and advice from anybody that is prepared to give us advice or help in the organisation of the trip!

As you are probably aware there is a thread on the forums about a possible road-trip to an as yet undecided European destination sometime next year. The most popular option so far seems to be a trip to the Motherland to visit the Volvo Museum in Gothenberg, the shop that sells off parts from Volvo test cars (as visited by Mr LeWorthy as outlined in a Driver magazine) and the Vallakra Custom Show with maybe a trip to one of the Volvo factories if possible.

Since DFDS/Scandinavian Seaways no longer operate the route the closest we can get to Gothenberg is Stavanger in Norway, but this is still an expensive option and still leaves us with a long drive. I feel the best plan is to go Dover-Calais/Dunkirk and drive to Sweden. Since the idea was posted there has been a lot of interest in such a trip with the idea of collecting some of our European members (plus members of other fora) en-route.

Possibly something along the lines of say a Thursday meet at Dover to catch a 9am ish ferry, then a motel booking in somewhere like Bremen for Thursday night and then Gothenberg for Friday night. Saturday for the museum and shop, Sunday for the show and Monday for the factory with Mon pm left to explore locally and a Tuesday am depature for a motel in Bremen and a Wednesday pm (5pm ish) crossing back from Calais.

Judging by the response to the other thread there could be up to 30 people interested so far with the possibility of many more if such a 'package deal' could be put together. The actual travel between the booked points would be left up to the individual and would allow people to visit as much or as little of the Swedish Volvo scene as they wished. Also those who wished to drive leisurely across N Eurpoe could do so whilst those who wished to thrash across to arrive early to enjoy a few beers etc could also do so. Thus it would be an organised trip, but with flexibility for people to do as they wished within loose perameters.

The first step is to gather a rough idea of how many members would be willing to undertake such a trip so the ball can be got rolling re. negotiations with ferry and motel chains so please post a response if the idea is appealing to you!

Anyone with any further ideas feel free to shout up and offer suggestions/advice.

The trip would be sometime next August (2007) to coincide with the Vallakra show.

V6 Man

We are looking into the possibilities assisting in the organisation of such a trip and will try to get group rates for VOC members for the ferry if it is possible. There may be a possibility of getting group rates for hotels/motels that we plan to stay in on the way there and back.Thus there would be a price for a car and one passenger and a price for additional passengers for the ferry and accomodation, with VOC members getting a discount on both prices. We would like to encourage anybody that is interested in joining in what looks like a rather large Volvo convoy accross Europe to put their name down!



IC Oct 30th, 2006 20:49

Name List for the Swedish Trip
Swedish Trip: Please add your names!

1) V6 Man
2) IC

MissDMeanor Oct 30th, 2006 21:04

I'm in please:)

1stRaven Oct 30th, 2006 21:20

Well done chaps. Sounds like a great idea and its coming together!

1) V6 Man
2) IC
3) MissDMeanor
4) 1stRaven

foggyjames Oct 30th, 2006 21:25

And me!



MissDMeanor Oct 30th, 2006 21:31

As I have friends & family in Kent I could quite possibly arrange for a limited number to stay in the Ashford area the night before the deluge to foreign soil - would anyone be interested? Could have a knees up the night before...

James_N Oct 30th, 2006 21:43

Most definatly be in for this. ALWAYS wanted to do this, so im in for sure.

Would it be possible for me to perhaps bring a mate or 2 along as well? more the merrier :)

222s Oct 30th, 2006 21:49

Sounds very interesting! I'll have to consult swmbo though....

adieu Oct 30th, 2006 21:52

Hell Yes
1) V6 Man
2) IC
3) MissDMeanor
4) 1stRaven
5) foggyjames
6) James_N
7) 222s (consulting swmbo)
8) Adieu (plus wife :) )

TheJoyOfSix Oct 30th, 2006 21:58


Originally Posted by James_N (Post 163319)
Would it be possible for me to perhaps bring a mate or 2 along as well? more the merrier :)

That's the general idea. The plan is basically to offer a cheap (ish) way of getting to Sweden next August. The trip to the factory would, if it is available, needs to be organised by us/the VOC, but the rest is entirely up to you.

Entry to the museum, the show and the shop (free) would be up to you - as far as I'm aware they are just 'turn up and go in'. If you and your mates/gf/wife/husband/partner/family etc want to spemd 3 or 4 days in and around the Gothenberg ish area and not go to any event then you are free to do so. All you'd be paying for through the VOC is the ferry and the motel.

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