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123GT-AMAZON Oct 10th, 2014 01:35

Any Car Modifing - Update
Hi Ya Folks

i just wanted to bring this to everyones attention for a few reasons
1 - someone i know has recently gone through this .
2 - i know people have projects on the go atm .
3 - and for those even thinking of doing a custom project or buying one .

ok a lot of rules have been in place for a while now BUT its being inforced like never before due to all info being computerized nowadys so easy to check correct info its that bad on a M.O.T its picked right up so be warned and read the below .


here we go if anyone/you or someone modifys a car in ANYWAY meaning the monique you will have to have the car inspected plus get a certificate of build ( change ) and this is the bit that gets funky if the car has been and once you have it reclassed it then gets a NEW chassis number and "Q" ! Plate issued non transferable so even someone like melodys project will be in that class and that car as soon as it goes for a MOT will be picked up and refused a mot so please do your homework and have the right paperwork in place for your needs i will add more info as i get it but the person i know was on the phone for over an hour with the Dvla sorting a pickup project out and thats what will happen so any cars like CONVERTABLE projects will be on a Q plate no question about it so keep that in your minds when doing or buying any customised cars ;)

updates to follow but if anyone has more info please share your experiences to help highlight the problems people will face .......

PS - higher rate on insurance also when on a q plate ! low value on resale of the car

***** you will lose also the tax exempt class ******

kind regards


Colonel Froth Oct 10th, 2014 13:11

From what I understand converting to a pickup is classified in a different way to a lot of the smaller modifications. The last time I looked at engine swaps you needed to have a garage capable of performing MOTs to write a letter to the DVLA confirming the engine swap, the engine number, maybe something else. That was a while ago though.

I think alterations to the monocoque still mean you have to get the single vehicle approval test done, which is like an MOT on steroids, and you lose your number plate and tax exemption. It's worth looking at the points system they have to see whether a particular combination of swapped engine, steering and suspension will also mean you're liable for this test.

Tail Oct 10th, 2014 19:37

Points system details are here:

Looking at it, if you keep the suspension,body and steering original you have a bit of leeway with engine,gearbox and and axles, so long as you don't alter the gearbox tunnel to accommodate a bigger gearbox, that then comes under altering the monocoque of course.

Just me thinking here you understand but if the alterations are fairly subtle, say a different engine,gearbox,rear axle and the gearbox tunnel cut to accommodate the bigger gearbox then is it down to the MOT man to report you if he thinks it infringes the rules or is it just pot luck if you get stopped by the police and they spot the changes.

123GT-AMAZON Oct 11th, 2014 07:41

thanks for the extra info tail ;)

heckflosse Oct 11th, 2014 09:13


Originally Posted by Tail (Post 1757152)
Points system details are here:

Looking at it, if you keep the suspension,body and steering original you have a bit of leeway with engine,gearbox and and axles, so long as you don't alter the gearbox tunnel to accommodate a bigger gearbox, that then comes under altering the monocoque of course.

Just me thinking here you understand but if the alterations are fairly subtle, say a different engine,gearbox,rear axle and the gearbox tunnel cut to accommodate the bigger gearbox then is it down to the MOT man to report you if he thinks it infringes the rules or is it just pot luck if you get stopped by the police and they spot the changes.

If you modify things, keep the old bits just in case. The EU led big brother is getting too interested in modified cars , unfortunately.

arcturus Oct 11th, 2014 09:37

EU led big brother has issued a new directive proposing vehicles over 30 years be exempt from MOT. 2014/45/ EC.

Hat Oct 11th, 2014 09:41

A friendly tester is always most welcome.

Powerforge Oct 11th, 2014 09:50

With a bit of luck, we'll be snipping the umbilical with the euro-BB and watching it sink below the waves in a few short years, so lets hope :)

At the moment, the UK plays an essential role for our continental cousins who want to modify or even own a kit car - because we are effectively the only country with an enlightened view on it - and thus we ALLOW it.

If you wanted a Locost and sadly found yourself, say, residing in Merkel's fatherland - you come to Britain to have it made, SVA'd and registered - it then becomes just a pen pushing exercise before you can tear up the autobahns in your lightweight speedster. No such thing is possible there tho.

Instead they gave us the ghastly "euro" look and stretched tyres :thinking:

Hat Oct 11th, 2014 10:36

Stretched tyres are from Japan are they not?
No one nation is indipendent, we are an amalgamation of all nations, no matter what ukip tries to promise the fearful..
Kit cars are not something I would hold up with pride.. If pride even existed outside ones own achievements.

We'll just muddle along as ever.

Powerforge Oct 11th, 2014 10:46


Originally Posted by Hat (Post 1757654)
Stretched tyres are from Japan are they not?
No one nation is indipendent, we are an amalgamation of all nations, no matter what ukip tries to promise the fearful..
Kit cars are not something I would hold up with pride.. If pride even existed outside ones own achievements.

We'll just muddle along as ever.

You have a large mob of VW owners with pitchforks and flaming torches heading to your door right now....The japanese gave us ironing board spoilers lol

UKIP is no different from any of the other UK parties you have to choose from - ALL full of biggots, idiots and pocket liners. Just happens they have ONE sensible idea. And the electorate seem to think so to given the recent verdicts at the ballot box.

I'd disagree with your beliefs on kit cars too; agreed there are some true horrors out there - but most are well thought out, well designed and properly implimented examples of home grown initiative and engineering brilliance - something the British have a LONG history of.

The Defence rests, M'lud ;)

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