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Old Apr 18th, 2003, 22:42   #1

Default death of a Borg Warner model 35 auto gearbox

they said the volvo was nigh on indestructable...mechanics on a 164 are bullet proof they said...gearbox will last you a life time...they didnt reckon on my driving from Huntingdon to wales in my auto 164 and no oil in the gearbox. I made 125 of the 173 miles required to get home to wales before I lost all drive, the AA then had to piggy-back me the rest of the way. now Ive filled the gearbox up with oil, and while I can get reverse, everytime I select drive it drives a bit then just free wheels with the engine revving but not making me go any faster. the question I put to you all is have I totalled the gearbox do you think? the next question is, If I have totalled it, as I believe I have, then can I replace the thirsty 3litre and defunct gearbox with a turbo diesel and gearbox, and where might I find such an engine?
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