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Old Jul 20th, 2005, 20:18   #12

Default RE: Air Conditioning Compressor siezures. B280E (R12) (Sanden SD709 compressor)

Yes I think some may have got through the system, but all the damage has been to the crankcase (Thrown rod) or drive end bearing siezed. The 220cc of oil was from the accumulator. When I washed out the accumulator there was a little black powder and some very fine flakes of metal, but these were well settled in the bottom. The compressor was lightly smeared with oil inside, but the ball in the centre of the swashplate was dry. Clearly a little more oil in the system would have made it survivable. My engineer checked for obstructions such as ice crystals as we charged the system so I think it's OK.
I could show a pic but the digicam is inaccessable.
Next time I go for a chare up I'll dip tha crankcase and make sure ther is free oil in the bottom.
I'm not a refrigeration engineer but I'm pretty mechanical.
The refrigerant is R413A and the lube, Shell Clavus.
Hope this sharpens the picture a bit.
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