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Old Jan 17th, 2014, 15:09   #11
I've Been Banned

Last Online: Feb 17th, 2014 01:36
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: coventry

Originally Posted by classicswede View Post
I take it you read the HSE link that clearly shows that I am fully autherised to work on LPG systems. This has been covered before.

You are not registered with the official, governing body. Are you?

Hi Mr Wainright,

Thank you for your email and for bringing this to our attention. A look through our records has shown me that Classic Swede are not and have never been Approved Installers so I can confirm this to you.

I have had a look at their website and while this installer has nowhere advertised himself as an approved installer, if they are indeed informing customers that they are, this is something which we can look into.

I have forwarded your email onto my manager who deals with technical and safety issues.

If you or others would be able to provide any more specific information regarding specific incidents, and instances where they have posed as UKLPG Approved, this would be most helpful.

Best regards

Autogas Administration

I have screen printed this thread, and the other one where you messed up a car, blamed him, fitted cheaper parts etc etc etc.

I encourage anyone who has had unfortunate dealings with you to contact me so we can build a case.
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