Thread: Headlights
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Old Oct 30th, 2014, 14:52   #20
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Originally Posted by Tannaton View Post
I read all of your reply and enjoyed it!
You're welcome!

Well, you can get tons of halo headlights to almost any car, of ebay or whatever. And most of these run halogen projectors(often H1 or H7 bulbs).
Though, these do not give nearly as wide of a beam as an hid projector, and gives an halogen cutoff(ECE cutoff), thus is not applicable to xenon bulbs(DOT cutoff)
However, they are certanly an improvement compared to an old reflector style halogen.

Projector halogens have been around since, ugh, I don't know, early 90's mabye(my 91 mitsubishi l300 have projector halogens), and alot of newer cars come with halogen projectors, as it is better than a reflector, and cheaper than xenon, altough, not as good as xenon(a compromise if you want), while we are waiting for led's to become cheaper..

I do like reflector xenon's, I think, on most cars it gives a better allround look, rather than a small blue eye looking at you.
There's just a few problems with it:
1. Reflector xenon's beeing more vulnerable to scratches or coating on the glass, that way you're totally legal, but you still fry any staring eyes..
2. Reflector xenon's not beeing as good as projectors; Light output is just not compareable, projectors are often much wider, and have no problem giving just as much throw to the light, if not more than a reflector.

Other than that, there is nothing negative to it, but as my wife uses this car the most, I'd rather sacrifice looks instead of light. In the end, she doesn't care how the car looks, just as long as it drives, so safety is first...
That's why I added xenon highbeams and a led bar the same day I got it

Edit: Many newer cars don't even have a seperate highbeam anymore, its just a projector, where the cutoff shield retracts when you flick highbeams on..
Edit2: Also, thanks for confirming it, usually automatic height level adjustment just sits there and adapts to any major changes, I.E. you drop 100kg's of luggage in the back, its supposed to compromise that by lowering the headlights a little. But it's no where fast enough to react to bumps, hills or whatever.., while autoleveling suspension raises the whole car accordingly.

Last edited by Sniffey; Oct 30th, 2014 at 15:06.
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