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Old May 21st, 2018, 14:16   #6
Laird Scooby
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Originally Posted by Delta66 View Post
I would like to see more colours back. Most cars are black, white or a grey/silver in between.
While that is true, fashion trends have a lot to do with it. As far as i know, a reasonably wide choice has always been available but because people don't see those colours as being "the latest trend" they haven't bought cars in that colour.

Although not a Volvo colour, Charleston Green (affectionately referred to as "Snot Green" in Rover circles) is a stunning colour and looks particularly good on the Rover 800 models. However it was never seen as a "trendy" colour, not pushed by salesmen and as such, i've only ever seen two in that colour.

It's a very similar colour to my Silver-green (code 403) 760 GLE but more green/turquoise, again, Silver-Green isn't a widely seen colour.

It's all down to the fashionistas who decide in their ivory towers what colours are going to be sold, whether it's cars, shirts, shoes, carpets, curtains or whatever else.

The advertising bods also have a grimy paw in the proceedings, just watched an advert for a new Seat hatchback in red - it looks great in red! That's precisely what the ad people want me to think in the hope i'll rush out and order one! I won't but there will be a higher proportion of people buying them in red than if the as showed it in blue, green, orange, gold, yellow or any other colour.

They will also have picked the colour the car looks best in as part of there advertrickery - new word i just made up but pretty apt i think!

Next Door to Top-Gun with a Honda CR-V & S Type Jag Volvo gone but not forgotten........
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