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Old Jan 25th, 2023, 20:00   #60

Last Online: Feb 13th, 2023 19:02
Join Date: Jun 2022
Location: Budapest

Some more interesting info that you won't find in the normy media.

There's quite a lot of pro's and con's and not as simple as no exhaust pipe.

Here's a little con list.

Power must be generated to charge the car, normally by gas at the powerplant.

The chemistry of Lithium batteries is dirty in it's production.

Car is heavier meaning more tarmac will need replacing faster.

Because the car is heavier it will shed more rubber particulates from the tyres.

Because the car uses regeneration more toxic brake pads will be needed.

There doesn't seem to be a viable way to recycle or dispose of spent cells.

The cost of an EV is off the scale.

The px value will be bad after 5 years as the cells will be degraded, 18650's which is the cell of choice normally last about 3 years in a vaping mod, after that the capacity is much reduced, same cells different head count volume.

That insufferable bastard across the road who always has to have the latest thing will be seen and heard crowing from morning to evening and beyond *it were this big*

There are obviously plus points over an ICE but can you give it the my dicks larger than yours at the lights in a revving contest prior to the drag race along the dual carriageway?

Do EV's burble at the lights setting off a chain reaction of ladies thongs landing on the bonnet before she climbs in and says "quote" take me to bed or lose me forever, yeah sowitiz
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