Thread: Amazon: - Amazon cooling system
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Old Apr 5th, 2024, 11:01   #10
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Default Coolant

Thank you for your contributions. What a knowledgeable group you are!
I have found on what I would call 'hot' engines including my Jaguar Mark II 3.8 and Austin Healey 3000 that they needed a cooling fan as well as the standard MOE cooling system. Both car's engines had accumulated a fair amount of corrosion in the blocks and heads and when I replaced the radiators both had a lot of debris affecting their efficiency. When I changed to Evans they ran much cooler and when tested, the radiators have no debris in them suggesting that Evans is better at avoiding corrosion/oxidization in the engine. However, both are six cylinder engines which may have something to do with the heat issue? The Amazon 122S is a very recent purchase and hence the question. Given that you all have first hand experience of running this model I will take on board your advice and stick to water with antifreeze. Any recommendations for the best type that inhibits rust/oxidation in the block and head?
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