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Old Jul 1st, 2002, 08:41   #5

Default RE: Daylight Headlamps

PLease people don't turn off your daylight running lights! As peter has said they are a saftey feature, it uses no extra feul to run them, and the bulbs won't blow often enough for it too be expensive.

And on top of that it means people can see you much better, you may not think it does much, but in slightly cloudy conditions, light rain etc you can see cars with headlights soooo much easier, and even in daylight you stand out more than someone without lights.

As a biker I love these things as they help keep me alive as they make you extra visable - bikes spend more time looking for cars than drivers do as it is (or at least they should) so anything that helps us is great! I would never dream of turning off my daylight running lights on my 440, and even turn my lights on when driving my spitfire!

OK, rant over

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