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Old Jul 4th, 2003, 20:31   #11

Default RE: '86 360 GLE B200E suspension and dipstick queries

Symptoms are caused by faults, faults have cures.

Other than what has been mentioned already I can't give any advice on such a vague question. If you don't know what might be wrong and have no interest in finding out then try a mechanic who can inspect and test the car.

If you have an interest in understanding and fixing it yourself you need to ask more specific questions, that are not covered in the thread.

There is nothing wrong with the aerodynamics of the 360, and spoilers are available from GTLs in scrap yards. It does make a little difference and if you're a real enthusiast you can tell the difference, but I certainly wouldn't call one without a spoiler'light'. I've driven GLSs at 120 and it feels very solid if everything is straight.
It is likely you have something bent or misaligned as mentioned earlier in the thread.
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