Thread: Aux Guages
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Old Oct 20th, 2004, 08:41   #1

Default Aux Guages

Morning all,

I've been thinking about fitting some aux guages to the T5 but was wondering if there is much point.

The main reason I'd like to fit them is because I'd like to see what's going on in the engine while I'm driving and the standard boost guage and usual warning lights don't allow for that. Usually, by the time a warning light comes on it's almost too late.

Are aux guages any good? Are they accurate? I'm thinking of various ones such as boost, voltage (or is it amp), oil pressure etc. Do they do Oil Temp and Water Temp ones too?

Are they easy enough to fit? Which ones are the best? And where to get them from? Where to mount (I was thinking of in the centre console beneath the radio)?

Any thoughts, suggestions and advice welcome, even if your advice is "don't bother". It will all be considered. If anyone feels fitting guages is pointless then I'd be grateful for your reasons why. I'm not going to go and do it if there's no real point.

Sorry for all the questions and thanks for reading.


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