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Old Oct 7th, 2002, 11:57   #4

Default RE: Insanity 1 Commen Sense 0

You just knew there was a Council employee out there who was also a Volvo owner didnt you?

Well Im guilty on both counts, and have to say that there are some really "jobs worth" orientated people in most councils. This may be down to a number of problems, 1) the machine is so big that after a few years trying to change the system you realise that if you continue to fight the system you just start to suffer poor health, so you stop fighting and let these issues go on. 2) Some people like "not making a difference" and wont point out stupid practices. 3) Some rise to the level of their greatest incompetance, as somebody who wants to make a difference you have to get past them, and yes they dont trust anybody who knows what they are talking about, hence your stuck at the bottom.

And yes after 2.5 years Im looking for a new job! Tim.

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