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Old Mar 17th, 2004, 11:26   #14
Master Member

Last Online: May 24th, 2023 23:30
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Default RE: Irresponsible Content


I am sorry to hear that you have received ridicule for the past x amount of years for owning a volvo. I have owned my S40 T4 for a year and a half and have not once been taunted by my peers about it, as it is a respectable performance car, if somewhat modest compared with some of their cars' bhps.
I don't consider myself to be immature; i endeavour not to insult other forum users and certainly I don't wish to advocate flouting the law and racing on public highways, hence i only occasionally do so on private roads. I would challenge the majority of drivers on here to deny that they haven't set the car loose for a short blast themselves. Several posts by members not known for their youth and stupidity have proved that by posting about beating novas on the way to the supermarket etc.( which i would never personally do or advocate, as you're far more likely to flatten some poor pedestrian there than you are on a quiet private motorway. )
If any of you use other forums, volvo and non volvo, you will find that other drivers do the same. Unless i'm a total maniac, if i don't insult people who wish to live quietly , then i don't expect to be sent to stand in the corner for flexing my cars muscles now and again.

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