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Old Nov 20th, 2010, 07:31   #1
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Last Online: Nov 21st, 2010 16:12
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Default calling all c30 drivers i need your help urgent

Hi i am a new member and i need your help
i have a volvo c30 DrivE Se reg in march 20009-it was involved in an accident a couple of weeks ago was taken to a volvo car clinic to be repaired front bumper ,grill replaced and the plastic trim under the bonnet-didnt think there would be a problem but they put incorrect parts on-grille when they brought my volvo home i rang them advised they had put incorrect parts on it and was initially told no-however they failed to see the broken part of the grille in the boot-so because i had the grille and could compare they admitted they had put the wrong part on and didnt realise car was a drive e-even though it has badging etc however i am in a dispute regarding the plastic trim that you see as soon as you open the bonnet at the very front of the car covering the bonnet catch- they have not replaced it and say there was nothing there-i clean my volvo every week and always clean what i can under the bonnet so i know what was there please can anyone check under their bonnet at the immediate trim it is held in with grommets and covers some of the bonnet catch-i know because prior to car being taken for repair one of the grommets was out and i popped it back in- because they have not replaced it bonnet does not sit right and is a couple of mm lower than front of car-would appreciate any help to get the right part put back in my car didnt think i would have this issue with a volvo main dealer repair centre-please any help-pictures ect would be appreciated- i just want my volvo back the way it should be. thank you
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