Thread: Running Boards
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Old Nov 11th, 2003, 18:34   #1

Default Running Boards

We have just taken delivery of our Silver XC90 and we are extremely pleased.The wait was a pain but apart from that it went ok.The only potential problem that we had was that we were told that we could no longer have the Running Boards fitted as per our order as the waiting list was now up to summer 2004.
To cut a long story short i telephoned a few Volvo dealers, most of which just laughed but i did find one dealer that had a pair (cancelled order) in the store room. I was amazed that they even wanted a premium on them, which of course, we had to pay.
Our supplying dealer even charged us for fitting them which i couldnt believe.

This is a superb car and the Running Boards were well worth the time and effort, but as you all know, dealers have us over a barrel and this was a prime example.

Why are these Running boards in such short supply?
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